
Gift from the Heart

Gift from the Heart

2012 photos | 2011 photos | 2010 photos

What is Gift From the Heart?

Gift from the Heart is a one day, NO FEE, volunteer event to bring public awareness to the overwhelming number of Ontarian’s unable to afford oral health care. It is also a day to bring awareness to the public that Oral Health comprises more than just teeth and gum care, and is the key to your overall health. ” Your Registered Dental Hygienist is the expert for preventive oral health care” says the College of Dental Hygienists Of Ontario President Linda Jamieson (Milestones, December 2009)

Independent Registered Dental Hygienists (IRDH) open their hearts to put a smile on your face. Gift from the heart was founded in 2009 by Bev Woods, IRDH of Trenton Ontario. Since then the event has grown every year, and IRDH’s all across Ontario have joined forces giving a different type of gift on Valentine’s weekend. Those taking part open their hearts and clinics to provide oral health care to the public who are financially unable to receive dental hygiene care or who have difficulty accessing dental hygiene treatment.

Genesis Dental Hygiene Carehas participated since 2010. Nicole and peer Registered Dental Hygienist (RDH) Diane began in a rented clinic, seeing 8 people in need. Now in a permanent office, the event grew in 2011 to include 3 more very enthusiastic RDHs, Lorie, Jen, Sherrie and Preventive Dental Assistant Monique. We treated 30 individuals from all age brackets, offering teeth scaling and polishing and oral hygiene instruction. Nutrition education was also offered with a focus on hidden sugars and acids in food and drinks.The day was full of smiles, laughter, and a huge feeling of happiness that can only come from giving back. We very much look forward to what this event will bring in the years ahead.

2012 photos

2011 photos

2010 photos